Trey Anastasio tries to make up for lost time
On Saturday, February 20th, 2010, Trey Anastasio made his triumphant return to the Twin Cities. He was last in Minneapolis in 2005 with his side project, 70 Volt Parade. But most importantly has been the absence of his powerhouse jamband, Phish. The last Phish show in Minneapolis was September, 24th 2000. Jesse Ventura was the governor of Minnesota then. It’s been a while, and most would say too long. But on this night Anastasio tried to make up for lost time with an extensive meandering performance in the company of his original Trey Anastasio Band.
The show opened with “Last Tube” and from there worked into a massive set of TAB tunes as well as the shuffling bass-heavy Phish tune, “Sand”. Their version of “Tuesday” on this night was utterly spectacular. Trey then stood alone onstage with an acoustic guitar. This is something one doesn’t get to see everyday and it was a real treat. Anastasio wasn’t sure what to play straight off, and fumbled around a bit to the liking of the crowd before finally playing “Joy”.

He then went into four more Phish tunes and had the crowd yelling and singing along emphatically. “Bathtub Gin” had the crowd happily playing their part, and the wonderful acoustics of the State Theatre had Anastasio smiling and laughing. From there, Trey went into “Farmhouse”, a gorgeous “Waste”, and ended with “Chalkdust Torture”.
The Phish tune “Gotta Jibboo” opened up set two. It started off with its repetitive nature, but by the end Trey pushed it as high as it could go. Soon after the band played a slow piano-driven, funk-swinging tune called “Alaska”. This was a nice change of pace to the upbeat nature of most of the show.
Towards the end of set two, singer and trumpeter, Jennifer Hartswick, took the microphone for a ridiculously good version of Led Zeppelin’s “Black Dog”. She nailed this song with the hammer of the gods and seeing Trey’s appreciation for her effort was amusing to say the least. He faced her throughout the song, blasting his Languedoc guitar at her in a way that would have made Jimmy Page proud. She took his energy and wailed!
The night ended with a pretty standard version of “First Tube”. Anastasio took the song out like a Jedi, wielding his guitar overhead and swinging it forward with feedback reverberating. By this time it was after midnight, and the capacity crowd was stirring wildly. When this lengthy show (over 3 hours) was finally over, it was evident by the look on all the fans faces that they got their moneys worth. Trey Anastasio and his Classic TAB were excellent. Hopefully Anastasio doesn’t forget the Twin Cities fans for long, as a stop on Phish’s fall tour is now a decade overdue.

Trey Anastasio with Classic TAB – State Theatre – Minneapolis, MN 2.20.10 Setlist:
Set I:
Last Tube
Caymen Review
Push on til the Day
Night Speaks to a Woman
Joy (acoustic)
Water in the Sky (acoustic)
Bathtub Gin (acoustic)
Sleep Again (acoustic)
Farmhouse (acoustic)
Waste (acoustic)
Chalkdust Torture (acoustic)
Set II:
Gotta Jibboo
Money, Love and Change
Liquid Time
Goodbye Head
Mr. Completely
Show of Life
Black Dog (Led Zeppelin cover)
First Tube