Trampled by Turtles sell out First Avenue once again
It’s been just under a year since Trampled by Turtles last filled First Avenue to capacity. After a recent stint on the east coast and a Halloween show in their hometown of Duluth, MN, the Minnesota boys were back at the best rock club in the midwest and their fans were ready. First Avenue sold out once again.

A guitarist and drummer from Duluth called The Boomchucks opened the show. They were very appreciative to be onstage at First Avenue and played a nice and short set to get the night started.
By the time humble and brilliant Northwoods folkster, Charlie Parr, took the stage, First Avenue was filled. No time was wasted on stirring the crowd as he thumped his boot down on a homemade kick box and squealed across the strings of his trademark steel resonator guitar. The lively and youthful crowd bounced along with a roar and they didn’t ease until Trampled by Turtles walked off the stage some three hours later. Charlie Parr was accompanied by Mikkel Beckmen from The Brass Kings on washboard. Dave Simonett, the singer and guitarist of Trampled by Turtles, later joined the two. For Parr’s final song, the remaining members of Trampled by Turtles took their respective places on stage to create a smile-inducing jamboree.
Soon after, the curtain was raised for Trampled by Turtles. Never to be underestimated, the band brought in their sold out show with a wonderful version of “No Surprises” by Radiohead. They then rocked through songs from each of their four albums as First Avenue heated up into a sweltery sauna. It was so hot that security sprayed water into the crowd at times. Simonett did his best to cool things down as he calmly sang the cold and slow moving lyrics of “Duluth”, the title track of their fourth album. The fans who made the voyage down from the town made their presence known by singing along, “Still I like the quiet, of Duluth in the winter. In the sacred morning, there’s no place like home.” The local support was nice to see and certainly not surprising.

Singer and guitarist, Dave Simonett, announced in the middle of the set that they just finished recording their fifth album which is due out in the spring. The band then played several new songs from it and the crowd slowed down with attentive ears open. The new songs were very good. Bassist, Tim Saxhaug, later took the vocal reigns to lead a uniting sing-along of the classic “Stand By Me”. It was upbeat and fantastic. All night the band was relaxed and I’ve never seen them play a better live show. The live experience of the band was more obvious than ever as they burned through a wonderful set for their favorite local fans. Big things are due for these talented alternative bluegrass rockers, and rightfully so. Go see this band!