Phantogram plays powerful show in return to Palace Theatre
It’s been over two years since Phantogram last played in the Twin Cities. And while the electro-pop duo from New York haven’t released a new album in that time, their live show has changed significantly.
Phantogram started the show with their newest single “News Today” behind a semi-opaque white curtain with heavy backlights creating dramatic shadows on the stage. “Black Out Days” from their 2014 album Voices was next and got the capacity crowd moving. The stage was bleeding dark red and black and it was a challenge to get good photos from up front, but the sound and bass booming from the stage felt amazing. “Run Run Blood” was played next, and was truly captivating. Finally some light hit the stage as singer Sarah Barthel played bass while Josh Carter grooved out a nice guitar line.
The band’s hit single “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore” from their 2016 album Three was next and that’s when the show blasted off. For the remainder of the night, the light show was incredible, and the energy moved to a whole new level. Barthel’s vocals sounded pure and natural over the instrumentation that boomed solidly through the Palace Theatre. In the middle of the show, Josh Carter said they were going to play a song that they hadn’t played live since 7th Street Entry in downtown Minneapolis years ago. “You Are The Ocean And I’m Good At Drowning” from their 2010 debut Eyelid Movies felt and sounded amazing. Its slow shoe-gazey groove mixed with Carter’s vocals and a fantastic video production in the background, made it a definite highlight of the night.
Sarah Barthel later took a minute to mention the sadness she still feels about her sister committing suicide three years ago. She pleaded for anyone in pain to find help and not suffer in silence, and it was a touching and real moment that brought a new connection to the fans in the crowd. For the rest of the night, the show had a more emotional feel as the band meandered through new and older material.
Phantogram encored with the brand new song “Ceremony” before getting the crowd moving with their thumping and bouncy Eyelid Movies single “When I’m Small”. The night ended with a reprise of the opening song “News Today”, and I left the venue feeling great. On a beautiful Sunday night in St. Paul, MN, Phantogram played one of the best shows I’ve seen this year. From beginning to end, this concert was so much better than the last time they played the Palace Theatre in 2017. Canadian duo Bob Moses opened the show with a stellar set of their own and they are well worth checking out.

Bob Moses

Setlist: Phantogram at Palace Theatre in St. Paul, MN on Sunday, August 25, 2019 setlist
News Today, Black Out Days, Run Run Blood, You Don’t Get Me High Anymore, Same Old Blues, Don’t Move, Mouthful of Diamonds, Into Happiness, You Are the Ocean, Howling at the Moon, Gaunt Kids, Cruel World, Calling All, Answer, Mister Impossible, Fall in Love
Encore: Ceremony, When I’m Small, News (Reprise)