Matt and Kim throw incredible dance party at sold out First Avenue
Matt and Kim were forced to cancel much of their tour last year after drummer Kim Schifino tore her acl at Festival Vaivén in Mexico in March of 2017. Back in action in 2018 with a new album on the way, the elecro-pop duo from New York unleashed an incredibly fun dance party on a cold Monday night in Minneapolis.
Matt and Kim sold out First Avenue for the first time and the energy in the mainroom was ecstatic. Before “Block After Block” was played five songs in, Schifino threw out handfuls of balloons into the crowd and by the end of the song the pit was bouncing with color.
On tour to support their sixth album Almost Everyday which comes out May 4th, Matt and Kim did not miss a beat. The hits were played, and several songs from the upcoming album, and not one fell flat. At one point towards the end of the set, Kim asked if a crowd-surfer would get her a beer at the back of the bar and deliver it to the stage. A young woman accepted the challenge, and by the end of the song was flung forward from the crowd with a full 16oz can of Surly +1 for Schifino.
Between the onstage antics, the dancey tunes, and the high-energy crowd, Matt and Kim at First Avenue was an incredible amount of fun. I thought the last time I saw them at First Avenue was good, but this one was exceptional.