Death Cab for Cutie brings Asphalt Meadows to Surly Festival Field
Washington indie-rocker Death Cab for Cutie returned to Minneapolis on the second stop of their Asphalt Meadows tour. It was a wet and cold early autumn night, but the near-capacity crowd powered through the rain and were treated to a great show that spanned over two hours.
Death Cab for Cutie released their tenth studio album, Asphalt Meadows, just weeks ago on Atlantic Records and this show focused heavily on that material. The single “Here to Forever” was played six songs in and sounded great. Guitarist and singer, Ben Gibbard, moved his pedal board and microphone back from the front of the stage due to the tarp overhead leaking water down but continued on and delivered a fine show.
At this point in their careers, Death Cab for Cutie is a seasoned road band. But compared to when I saw them years ago at First Avenue, they were more personable and engaging at Surly Festival Field. Singles from their great 2005 album Plans also hit hard. “Soul Meets Body” was a major highlight as was “Your Heart is an Empty Room”. Both sounded wonderful and warming while cold rain fell in Minneapolis.
Death Cab for Cutie rocked Surly Festival Field with a fine performance and the fans who endured the cold and rain were rewarded with a great show.